Menlo Park City Council
Maria served on the Menlo Park City Council from Jan 2023 to Dec 2024.
It was an honor to represent District 5 - Sharon Heights & West Menlo!

Thank you, Menlo Park!

On December 10th, 2024, I stepped down from the Menlo Park City Council and passed the torch to the incoming Councilmembers. (If this comes as news, take a look at my announcement from this summer.)
Serving Menlo Park has been one of the most meaningful chapters of my life, and I am so thankful for the trust placed in me to represent our community.
Over the last two years, I have cherished connecting with neighbors, City staff, Councilmembers, and others to listen, learn, and shape decisions that affect us all.
Being the youngest person to ever serve in this role and being a renter was a particularly powerful framing for me. It has underscored how important it is to have a representative government that incorporates the diverse experiences and perspectives of our community, including those voices that might otherwise go unheard.
I am excited about the work that lies ahead for Menlo Park — designing safer routes for all road users, reducing citywide emissions, improving resilience to flooding and groundwater rise, creating more diverse and affordable housing options, addressing environmental injustices, and fostering economic vitality.
There is so much to do, and I look forward to contributing to these efforts as a member of the public in the months before I move. Serving on the Council has affirmed my belief that we all have agency and that together, we can help make Menlo Park a more vibrant, healthy, and welcoming place for all residents, current and future.
Thank you to my Menlo Park neighbors for the opportunity to serve you.
Thank you to my fellow Councilmembers for sharing the dias with me.
Thank you to the incoming Councilmembers for stepping into this role.
Thank you to City Staff for your hard work and unwavering dedication to our community.
Thank you to my friends, partner, and family for your support on this incredible journey.
Menlo Park will always be a home to me.
Below were Maria's top priorities as City Councilmember

Downtown Vibrancy
Strengthen our community through downtown revitalization
Maria supported efforts to:
Bring more affordable housing downtown where residents can easily access transit, restaurants, and city amenities
Support the arts and promote community gatherings downtown
Lift up our local businesses and bring more small businesses to town

Safe Streets
Improve our roads to make Menlo Park accessible and safe for everyone
Maria supported efforts to:
Improve road safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit users
Upgrade city road infrastructure
Support transit-oriented development to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT)

Sustainability & Climate Action
Ensure Menlo Park is a healthy and sustainable place for all residents
Maria supported efforts to:
Protect and expand green space
Deepen community resilience to disasters
Address flooding and sea level rise
Improve energy efficiency and renewable energy access to help residents reduce bills and improve air quality
What did Maria do?
Below is a snapshot of what Maria did in her role as City Councilmember
City Council Meetings
Visit the City of Menlo Park website to find links and agendas for City Council meetings.
A complete list of city events are on this page.